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HB Relax - da lun a ven NEW

Gift voucher Day SPA Relax - valid from Monday to Friday
Indulge in a relaxing and rejuvenating immersion. 


HB Relax -sab e dom. e festivi NEW

Gift voucher Day SPA Relax - valid on weekends and public holidays
Indulge in a relaxing and rejuvenating immersion. 


HB Detox - da lun a ven  NEW

Gift voucher Day SPA Detox - valid from Monday to Friday
Indulge in a regenerative and purifying immersion. 


HB Detox - sab. dom. e festivi - NEW

Gift voucher Day SPA Detox - valid on weekends and public holidays
Indulge in a regenerative and purifying immersion. 


HB Legerity -da lun. a ven. -NEW

Gift voucher Day SPA Legerity - weekly
Indulge in a tension-relieving and decontracting immersion. 


HB Legerity - sab.dom.e festivi -NEW

Gift voucher Day SPA Legerity - weekend and public holidays
Indulge in a tension-relieving and decontracting immersion. 


HB Dolce Risveglio NEW

Gift voucher Day SPA Sweet Awakenig
Indulge in a velvet and enveloping sensory awakening.



Gift voucher LA SPA Day
Treat yourself to a day of complete relaxation.


HB La SPA Day di coppia

Gift voucher LA SPA Day Couple
Treat yourself to a day of complete relaxation in couple.


The prices of the Services and Products are inclusive of VAT